Personality, like many areas
in psychology, has been discussed as far back as the ancient Greeks. Most notably, it was Hippocrates who devised
the very first theory of personality by assuming that fluids within the body
were responsible for differences in behaviour; for example, levels of phlegm
indicated degrees of calmness.
This theory, although
incomplete, has provided the foundations of modern research into personality.
Contemporary personality trait models discussed in this paper are Costa &
McCrae’s (1991) Five Factor model and Eysenck’s (1992) Giant Three model.
This paper will first define
personality and personality traits before describing each model. This description will identify each trait,
and discuss how it is defined and how it was initially discovered. It will then attempt, as far as feasible, to
describe their differences and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in a
manner which analyses their contribution to understanding individual
differences and psychopathology.
Fundamentally, this paper will argue in favour of the Five Factor Model,
but will also contend that it is a limited model for describing the totality of
What is personality? There is
a general consensus that personality may be defined as the sum total of
behavioural and mental characteristics that persist over time (Colman 2006). A
personality trait is therefore a single dimension of personality among a finite
group of dimensions. For example, Neuroticism
is a single dimension, or trait, that explains how emotional that individual
A personality trait model is a
psychological model that attempts to amalgamate all traits into a universal
system of personality.
The first personality model
is Eysenck’s (1992) Giant Three model.
This model states that there are three basic traits that everyone can be
classified under. These are Extraversion
(E), Neuroticism (N) and Psychoticism (P). Extraversion determines how the
individual relates to the outside world; for example, whether they are outgoing
or social. Neuroticism determines
emotional stability; for example, how sad or embarrassed individuals are. Lastly, Psychoticism reflects a dimension
that stretches from psychological normality to psychotic disorders such as
schizophrenia (Haslam, 2007).
Much of Eysenck’s model
relies heavily on a biological approach to explaining personality, with
research findings indicating that genetics (Plomin 1986) and twin studies
across cultures (Eaves et al 1989, Martin and Jardine 1986) indicating levels
of E, N and P, have a biological foundation, implying individual differences as
being partly predetermined. If such
traits are biologically imprinted in our genes, it makes sense, Eysenck thinks,
to assume that they are basic dimensions of personality.
The second model of
personality is The Five Factor Model (Costa and McCrae 1991). This model of personality
describes five basic dimensions of personality.
These five dimensions are: Openness (O), Co-consciousness (C),
Extraversion (E), Agreeableness (A) and Neuroticism (N).
Openness reflects how open
the individuals are to new experiences, which also indicates how intellectually
curious they are. Conscientiousness
reflects how they approach certain tasks: for example, how motivated or
organized they are. This could be a very
good indication of how one might approach deadlines at work or school. Agreeableness reflects interpersonal skills:
for example, how warm and cooperative they are.
Scores here can determine their willingness to help. Extraversion is defined in the same way that
Eysenck’s model defines it, but Neuroticism is defined as emotional stability
and personal adjustment (Costa and McCrae 1992): that is, how well an individual
adjusts to certain situations.
Most of the traits identified
by Costa and McCrae were initially found using the lexical hypothesis: that is,
words in the language can identify personality traits such as kind and
considerate. Initially, 4,500 traits
were found from Allport and Odbert’s work; however, with the use of factor
analysis all such traits were reduced to sixteen (Cattell 1970) and then, more
recently, to five.
There is
constant debate as to which model most accurately identifies a trait as being
basic. The main disagreement centers on
the factor P. Eysenck claims this to be
a component of C and A whereas Costa and McCrae believe P to be a combination
of A and C (Costa & McCrae 1992c) as they noted that psychoticism tended to
be found in individuals with low A and low C.
It is very difficult to argue that both A and C are not important
factors in understanding personality and individual differences; but there is a
difference of opinion as to whether researchers consider P, or A and C, to be
the basic factors. Eysenck’s model appears to be economical and parsimonious
and, hence, a more scientific model for describing the basic factors of
personality, although P remains its weakest link (Bishop 1977; Block 1977a,
1977b). One difficulty is perhaps due to
its very obscure nature and how it relates to other factors of personality
(Zuckerman 1989; Claridge 1981). Splitting P into A and C, as Costa and McCrae
do, allows a wider scope to be addressed.
In saying that,
however, both models can only contribute a little towards our understanding of
P. This is mainly because the DSM-IV
takes a medical approach to diagnosing psychotic abnormalities such as
schizophrenia or depression.
Essentially, this is because such abnormalities have an underlying
biological foundation that needs to be taken into consideration. For example, there is a growing consensus
that schizophrenia is a genetic disorder, while other categories of P, such as
OCD, stress and depression, are heavily influenced by dopamine and other
chemical imbalances in the brain. Such
strong biological evidence indicates that personality models cannot explain
such abnormalities per se. Without
medical examination it is impossible to make accurate diagnoses. But The Five Factor Model has the advantage
over Eysenck’s Giant Three as it can measure psychotic traits by correlating A
and C; this is something Eysenck’s model cannot do. Doing so allows researchers to assess
psychotic criteria in a variety of contexts; for example, to examine prison
inmates’ attitudes and tendencies in order to review their eligibility for
release, or to assess psychiatric clients as part of a general check up, or as
part of an admissions procedure (Holden & Troister 2009).
In this respect
the model can contribute to our understanding of Psychopathology and help us to
make important life changing decisions.
Further studies
have now shown that even Personality Disorder can be predicted from the
Five-Factor Model of personality in clinical samples (Reynolds & Clark
2001, Ball et al 1997, Blais 1997).
Additionally, Miller et al 2001 found evidence for personality disorder
as an extreme variant of the common dimensions of the Five Factor Model of
personality, a claim that was previously hypothesized by Widiger & Lynam
If we are to
take these results as conclusive, the evidence suggests that the Five Factor
Model, combined with other forms of testing, is rapidly becoming a more
accurate model for identifying psychopathological disorders and individual
differences while making positive contributions in the field.
However, there
is a problem. The Five Factor Model
doesn’t tell us why people might be more psychotic than others; all they tell
us is that certain factors, such as A and C, and at times, N, contribute to
psychopathologic behaviour. This is why the field of biology can, potentially,
provide a deeper insight into the nature of P as a whole. But the advantage of such a model is that it
allows us to see potential triggers for a variety of psychological
abnormalities as well as individual differences. In this case a Diathesis-Stress Model has
been suggested and might, in the near future, be able to explain the link
between biological predispositions and environmental stressors via The Five Factor Model or variants of
In order to assess both
psychopathological and individual differences effectively, both models adopt
the questionnaire as a form of self-assessment.
Eysenck’s model adopts the
Eysenck Personality Questionaire (EPQ) while Costa and McCrae adopt the Revised
NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R).
The EPQ includes one hundred
yes/no questions and also includes a lie scale to determine discrepancies
between answers. There is evidence that
this questionnaire produced reliable results for two of the three traits: E and
N (Francis et al 2006). But they found
unreliable results when measuring P. Commentators have also noted this
unreliability (Maltby 2007). The indication is that if such results vary there
might be discrepancies in Eysenck’s definition and measurement of P, which is
partly due to its interpretation; for example, Eysenck believed that geniuses
and psychotics share a divergent style of thinking when trying to find
solutions to problems (Eysenck 1995), whereas others, such as Maslow and Rogers
disagree, maintaining that such thinking is the result of optimal health
(Simonton 1994). With such difficulties
of interpretation, coupled with a string of unreliable results, the inaccuracy
in measuring P in the EPQ could well detract from its contribution to our
general understanding of P.
Another weakness with the
EPQ, including revised editions (EPQR-S), is that by asking ‘yes’ and ‘no’
questions the individual will feel they have less scope to answer
appropriately. For example, consider
this question; “ I consider myself talkative,
entertaining, and the “ life and soul of a party ”. With only ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as possible answers
how can one accurately respond? It is
possible to answer ‘yes’ to the first part of the question; that is, I consider
myself talkative and entertaining, but I might not consider myself “ the life and
soul of a party ”. It can be equally
said about this question: “ I am miserable at times although I cannot really
explain the reason for my misery ”; sometimes we do know the reason, at other
times we don’t. It is therefore difficult
to say, with any degree of accuracy, how well the EPQ contributes to our understanding
of individual differences as participants’ responses are limited solely to
agreement or disagreement.
questionnaire significantly differs from the EPQ. The most fundamental differences are that
there are no yes/no questions and that it measures five traits rather than
the NEO PI-R adopts a rating scale from one to five, signifying varying degrees
of intensity in a participant’s feelings toward a particular question. This provides participants with a much wider scope
in answering compared to the EPQ; because of this, it is possible to analyses
the extent to which participants are open or neurotic. This allows researchers to assess levels of
individual differences between participants in a more accurate way than the
therefore, the NEO PI-R is a more accurate form of self-assessment than the EPQ
with the capacity to increase our understanding of both individual differences
and psychopathology as it allows researchers to see how factors vary between individuals. Secondly, as more and more self-assessments
are carried out by the NEO PI-R, emerging patterns can determine which factors
are mostly associated with psychopathology and which with personality. For example, a measurement of N might tell us
something about particular individuals and their susceptibility to
depression. Therefore the NEO PI-R
provides a better indication of individual differences in psychopathology than
the EPQ does.
although the Five Factor Model is generally accepted among psychologists, this
is not to say it is a perfect theory of personality.
Some argue the
model omits potentially important factors such as honesty and humility. Cross-cultural studies have suggested
evidence for these factors which should therefore be included in the Five
Factor Model (Aston et al 2004). On the
other hand, Larsen & Buss (2002) argued that attractiveness should also be
an important feature of the model. This
has led some researchers to devise a seven factor model for personality (Tellegen
1993). Although such inclusions are a
welcome improvement to the Five Factor Model, The Seven Factor Model lacks
supporting evidence in comparison with the Five Factor Model at present.
To summarize,
The Five Factor Model is a more accurate indicator of individual differences in
psychopathology for the following reasons.
Firstly, ambiguity in the factor P is dealt with. Breaking P down to A and C allows a wider
scope of measurement which, in turn, provides us with a better understanding of
which factors are contributing to certain types of behaviour.
Secondly, the
general adoption of the NEO PI-R, with its differential rating scale, provides
a more accurate way of determining individual differences in
psychopathology. Indeed, its accuracy of
assessment has been such that the Five Factor Model has been useful in
describing pathological personality conditions (Goldberg 1993) such as
personality disorder in cases where the NEO PI-R significantly predicted 12 out
of 13 personality disorders (Reynolds and Clark 2001).
Such strong
evidence is an indication that the Five Factor Model, although incomplete,
makes a significant contribution to our general understanding of individual
differences in personality and psychopathology.
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